Aric Bey
Black Star Line is legendary and will be sponsoring the Friday Night Chili Cook-OFF with a tribute to Chef.
Sebastien Decoppet
Cavalier is coming in hot with some epic tasty smokes. Get your pocket book ready!
Brian McGee
Crowned Heads with Brian McGee is bringing some steak filled vegan deals…prep you salad fork.
Neothies Lindley Jr
Definition Cigar’s crew will be bring their A-Game and will blow your taste buds out of the park. Neo gonna bring IT!
Des Silver
We are ready to get drunk on smoke via Drunk Chicken Cigars. Let’s get this party started with Desiree !
Trey Andrews
EP Carillo will be bringing a the inspirational calf back to us with Trey Andrews blessing us with his presence with EPC mouthwatering tobacco.
Brandon Jay Luna
Espinosa Cigars is coming in to help us say F-CI with the best boutique festival internationally. Brandon Jay Luna bringing class and a delicious palate of smokey goodness.
Chris Kelly and Kyle Hoover
Ezra Zion and Nomad cigars will be coming back and blessing us with their creative palate. Can’t wait for yall to get some of this!
Lauren Koper
Micallef Cigars has really been bringing the smokes and power to our fight against CI. Lauren Koper will be bringing tasty morsels in our fight for the local brick and mortar.
Ryan Rodriquez
Ohana Nui Cigars has been bringing top game into the shop and we can’t wait to share what Ryan Rodriquez and Holly Ohana Cigars have cooked up!
Madison Moneey
262 Cigars has brought to the shop the epic Nines and much more. Make sure to hook up with Madison Moneey and see the magic their team has got in store for us.
Paul Costo
Oliva Cigars is bringing the heat with powerful presence of Paul Costo.Paul is bringing you his award winning rep skills and gr8 smokes!
Edgar Hoill
OSOK has got a lot of magic to bring to the stage via Edgar Hoill. Get on up to this event and bless your taste buds with this guy’s blending skillz.
Scott Lewis
A taste of Texas brought via Reserva Liga Texas by Scoitt Lewis. Get some while you can!